Welcome to Preschool!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our Preschool Team is very excited to venture into a partnership with you and your child. Our program complies with all State of Ohio preschool rules and regulations and Vandalia-Butler City Schools Board of Education Policies.
We believe that families are the first and primary teachers of children; therefore, we will continually strive to provide opportunities for all levels of family participation. We invite you to share your questions and concerns at parent evenings, in scheduled conferences, and in conversations with teachers.
It is because we value strong and healthy relationships between preschool and home that this Preschool Parent Handbook was created. Please take the time to carefully read this handbook because it does contain important information about your child’s program. Click here to view the handbook.
As partners, we will grow and learn together as we develop your child’s fullest potential!
Shalyn Leighner
Preschool Supervisor